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KRASO Sealing Insert Type TD-X

Diameter core drilling or casing in mm

KRASO Sealing Insert Type TD-X

for installation of pipes, Torque Control Nut KRASO DKM| DafStB waterproof concrete guideline: stress class 1 + 2

The trio seal of a superior class

+ For core drillings or casings

+ 20% thicker steel plates made of non-corrosive stainless steel V2A!

+ Triple sealing with a 60 mm seal made of specially developed sealing rubber!

+ Two circular pressure disks guarantee optimal pressure distribution!

+ More studs for even pressure distribution, welded-on studs instead of through-bolts!

+ Torque Control Nut KRASO DKM: integrated torque limiter - no torque wrench required!

+ MPA-tested: protects reliably  against pressurised water up to 10 bar!

+ Gas and odour tight - high-quality in terms of TA-Air!

+ Radon tightness IAF-tested - meets the requirements for radon precautionary areas according to FHRK leaflet MB 101!

+ Certified with the quality seal of the FHRK e. V.

DafStB waterproof concrete guideline: stress class 1 + 2

Type / Item


Diameter core drilling or casing in mm











max. external diameter pipe or cable from ... to... in mm

0 - 55

0 - 75

0 - 100

0 - 125

0 - 175

0 - 225

0 - 275

0 - 325

0 - 375

0 - 475


127 €

143 €

167 €

200 €

264 €

318 €

469 €

589 €

709 €

1.004 €

* In some cases, allen screws must be used due to the design

KRASO Sealing Insert Type SD
for installation of pipes or cables, Torque Control Nut KRASO DKM*KRASO Type SD 30 / KRASO Type SD 30 - T, split / KRASO Type SD 30 - GF, large flangeKRASO Type SD 60 / KRASO Type SD 60 - T, split / KRASO Type SD 60 - GF, large flange | DafStB waterproof concrete guideline: stress class 1 + 2 The solution for special situations+ For core drillings and casings+ Individual and custom-made solution: with large flange or split!+ KRASO Sealing Insert quality: 5 mm thick clamping plates made of non-corrosive stainless steel V2A, 30 or 60 mm seal made of a specially developed rubber mixture, welded-on studs instead of through bolts + Torque Control Nut KRASO DKM: integrated torque limiter - no torque wrench required!+ MPA-tested: protects reliably against pressing water up to 2,5 / 5 bar!+ Gas and odour tight - High-quality in terms of TA-Air!+ Radon tightness IAF tested - meets the requirements for radon precautionary areas according to FHRK leaflet MB 101! + Certified with the quality seal of the FHRK e. V.+ With arrangement template: see the arrangement at a glance!+ Generally available within 24 hours!+ Available at an additional charge: stainless steel V4A / KTW - recommendation / NBR - oil- and petrol resistant / temperature resistant up to 220°C+ DafStB waterproof concrete guideline: stress class 1 + 2 Configure Sealing Insert 
KRASO Sealing Insert Universal Multiple - split
for the installation of several media lines/cables, split design for retrofit installation | DafStB waterproof concrete guideline: stress class 1 + 2Universally usable - multiply flexible+ For core drillings and casings+ Stepless onion ring technology: universally usable for various external diameters of media lines/cables - also for multiple installation! Split design for retrofit installation!+ KRASO Sealing Insert quality: 5 mm thick clamping plates made of non-corrosive stainless steel V2A, 40 mm seal made of specially developed rubber mixture, welded-on studs instead of through bolts+ Torque Control Nut KRASO DKM: integrated torque limiter - no torque wrench required!+ MPA-tested: protects reliably against pressing water up to 2,5 bar!+ Gas- and odour tight - high-quality in terms of TA-Air!+ Radon tightness IAF tested - meets the requirements for radon precautionary areas according to FHRK leaflet MB 101!+ Certified with the quality seal of the FHRK e. V. + DafStB waterproof concrete guideline: stress class 1 + 2 
KRASO Sealing Insert Universal DD
for installation of pipes or cables, double sealing against pressing water up to 3 bar. Can also be used as blind plug for feed-through of pipes or cables (except KRASO Universal 250 DD and Universal 250 DD/T) | DafStB waterproof concrete guideline: stress class 1 + 2Simple, tight, universal use + For core drillings or casings + Onion ring technology: universal use for various external diameters of media pipes or cables! + KRASO Sealing Insert quality: non-corrosive stainless steel V2A, high quality 40 mm rubber seal, welded-on studs instead of through bolts + Torque Control Nut KRASO DKM: integrated torque limiter - no torque wrench required! + MPA-tested: protects reliably against pressing water up to 3 bar! + Gas- and odour-tight – high-quality in terms of TA-Air! + Radon tightness IAF tested - meets the requirements for radon precautionary areas according to FHRK leaflet MB 101! + Certified with the quality seal of the FHRK e. V.  + DafStB waterproof concrete guideline: stress class 1 + 2
KRASO Sealing Insert Type GR
for installation of ribbed or corrugated media pipes | DafStB waterproof concrete guideline: stress class 1 + 2 The sealing insert for ribbed media pipes + For core drillings and casings+ For corrugated and ribbed pipes!+ With a specially developed soft rubber seal - double the sealing with 40 mm seal or quadruble sealing with 80 mm seal - and central pressure disk for even pressure distribution + KRASO Sealing Insert quality: 5 mm thick clamping plates made of non-corrosive stainless steel V2A, more studs for even pressure distribution, welded-on studs instead of through bolts+ Torque Control Nut KRASO DKM: integrated torque limiter - no torque wrench required!+ MPA-tested: protects reliably against pressing water up to 1 bar /  2 bar!+ Gas- and odour-tight - high quality in terms of TA-Air+ Radon tightness IAF-tested - meets the requirements for radon precautionary areas according to FHRK leaflet MB 101!+ Certified with the quality seal of FHRK e. V.+ DafStB waterproof concrete guideline: Stress class 1 + 2