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Mo.-Do.: 07:00 bis 17:00 Uhr
und Fr.: 07:00 bis 15:30 Uhr

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Diameter DN
Casing pipe end plug (optional)


empty pipe as recess for retrofit installation of cables and pipes using a casing pipe end plug (electricity/water, telecommunication or fibreglass), with injection system | DIN 18533 W2.1 -E, DafStB waterproof concrete guideline: stress class 1 + 2

Empty pipe as retrofit wall penetration for existing buildings

+ Empty pipe for retrofit installation

+ Fast and easy installation: injection system with fast-curing expansion resin

+ Suitable for all common types of walls - also for hollow bricks

+ With sealing flange for exterior sealing ("black tank")

+ Ideal for rehabilitation and new connections in existing buildings

+ Integrated torque control (IDK) - no torque wrench required

+ With option to connect casing pipes

+ Casing pipe end plugs for electricity/water, telecommunication or fibreglass

+ Gas and water pressure tight up to 1 bar

+ DIN 18533 W2.1 -E ("moderate impact of pressing water")

+ DafStB waterproof concrete guideline: stress class 1 + 2   


Further diameters and wall thicknesses available on request!

Type / Item


Core drilling/ casing in mm


(from- to)

(99 - 103)

Wall thickness in mm from … to …

200 - 600

External diameter sealing flange in mm


Casing pipe end plug, optional:



Glass fibre

External diameter in mm

25 - 63

2 x 5 - 7
4 x 7 - 13
1 x 13 - 21

2 x 5 - 7
2 x 7 - 13
1 x 12 - 16
1 x 23 - 40

KRASO Inject LR for wall thickness 200 - 600 mm

195 €

KRASO Inject LR for wall thickness 200 - 1.200 mm

295 €

recess for retrofit installation of cables and pipes using a sealing insert (not included in the scope of supply), with injection system | DIN 18533 W2.1 -E, DafStB waterproof concrete guideline: stress class 1 + 2The true diameter inject casing for existing buildings+ Thick-walled true diameter casing for retrofit installation+ Fast and easy installation: injection system with fast-curing expansion resin+ Suitable for all common types of walls - also for hollow bricks+ With sealing flange for exterior sealing ("black tank")+ Ideal for rehabilitation and new connections in existing buildings+ Integrated torque control (IDK) - no torque wrench required+ For the sealing of cables or pipes using a sealing insert (not included in the scope of supply): e.g. KRASO Sealing Insert Type ED+ Gas and water pressure tight up to 1 bar+ DIN 18533 W2.1 -E ("moderate impact of pressing water")+ DafStB waterproof concrete guideline: stress class 1 + 2
wall penetration for the connection of KG/KG 2000 pipes, with injection system | DIN 18533 W2.1 -E, DafStB waterproof concrete guideline: stress class 1 + 2The inject wall penetration with flow direction (FR) for existing buildings+ Quick and easy to install wall penetration for e.g. sewage pipes+ One flow direction! Including pipe with sleeve and spigot for the connection of KG/KG 2000 pipes+ Suitable for all common types of walls - also for hollow bricks+ With sealing flange for exterior sealing ("black tank")+ Ideal for rehabilitation and new connections in existing buildings+ Integrated torque control (IDK) - no torque wrench required+ Injection system with fast-curing expansion resin+ Gas and water pressure tight up to 1 bar+ DIN 18533 W2.1 -E ("moderate impact of pressing water")+ DafStB waterproof concrete guideline: stress class 1 + 2